Wednesday 20 July 2011

Here's Johnny!

Yesterday afternoon, I met Joe - he is originally Jonathan, but he goes by "Joe", I chose to call him Johnny.

We met yesterday around 5 pm, casual drink down the road.

Pictures - check, he looked them.
Age - check 38.
Build - check. Height was right.

We sat down, casual banter....

He makes alot of money
He's lucky to be so comfortable.
He owns a place but sold it - post break up.
He has a great job.
He used to play professional squash.
He works less and makes more.
He's moving downtown.

I ordered a glass of Malbec.  Him, Pinot Blanc.

He heli ski's
He has friends who are canucks
He only works a few hours.
He was a professional squash player.
He travels to play squash, it paid for.
He's English.
He's only works a few hours, but makes the $$.
He's moving to Yaletown.

Here's Johnny.

Needless to say, it was quick, a glass of wine.  All I can say is post break up.  Best of Luck Johnny.

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